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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Introduction Video
  • What type of health concerns does Dr. Hussey work with?
    Dr. Hussey works with people who have a variety of health concerns. However, he specializes in helping those with heart trouble achieve higher levels of heart health. Due to his first-hand experience he also specializes in helping people with Type 1 Diabetes as well. Primary cases Dr. Hussey works with: 1. Heart Disease 2. Type 1 Diabetes 3. Autoimmune diseases 4. Leaky Gut and Digestive Issues
  • What does Dr. Hussey do for his clients?
    Dr. Hussey coaches and guides clients to do the things that will lead them to better states of health. He will give them the what, why, when, and how in his health strategies. He works with people all over the world via phone and video. No travel needed, achieve health from home!
  • Besides my health concerns what else make me a good fit for Dr. Hussey’s program?
    Three things that all Dr. Hussey’s clients have in common is that they truly value their health, they are coachable, and are in a place that they can commit to the program.
  • How can I schedule a consult with Dr. Hussey?
    Unfortunately, Dr. Hussey is not taking new clients at this time. Dr. Hussey does not accept everyone as a client. He works with only those that are motivated and committed. Click here to schedule a free 15-minute call with Dr. Hussey to see if you are a good fit for the program and determine if an initial consultation should be scheduled.
  • What does the initial assessment involve?
    We will block off 2 hours for this initial assessment and preferably it is done on a video call. There will be a questionnaire that needs to be filled out prior to the call that will help guide the call. Please send any recent lab work you have had done. The cost of this appointment is $250 and is collected at the free 15-minute call. The initial assessment is an information gathering session for evaluation only. It helps determine the recommended coaching plan. The goal is to get an extensive understand of your health history.
  • What is the charge per appointment after the initial assessment?
    Dr. Hussey offers virtual (online, phone, email) coaching programs that usually last from 6-12 months. There are no pay-per-appointment programs and the price varies depending on the length of the program designed for you. He will plan your coaching program after the initial assessment. While in a program he likes to meet with clients every 30 days to update protocols and progress clients to the stages of programs. You will also have direct access by phone and email during your program. All appointments and communication will be with Dr. Hussey. It is important to remember that these are coaching programs and that the work cannot be done for you. However, you will be provided with the support and guidance to be successful!
  • Does insurance cover any of the coaching?
  • What is unique about Dr. Hussey’s approach?
    Dr. Hussey is your partner on your health journey. He is here to work with you and not dictate your care. He will be an advocate for you as you navigate the complicating health world of today. The first and only focus is getting you healthy. Dr. Hussey is open to anything that will get you the health you desire. Dr. Hussey believes that just as important as attaining the health of his clients is for them to understand the “why” of why they are sick and why he recommends what he does. Dr. Hussey is constantly researching and staying in up to date with the latest research in health.
  • What type of things are used in Dr. Hussey’s programs?
    Diet, select nutritional supplements and herbs, at-home procedures, etc.
  • What is Dr. Hussey’s philosophy on lab testing?
    Only when it will dictate care. It can be useful to see the results of recent labs before the initial assessment; however, Dr. Hussey realizes the time, energy, and money it takes to get new and different testing done. Each case is customized and there are no standard lab tests run on every client.
  • What is Dr. Hussey’s philosophy on supplements?
    Dr. Hussey is very picky about the supplements he uses with clients and in general believes that less is more. These days there are a lot of bad supplements out there. Dr. Hussey will only recommend the necessary and most effective food-based supplements. Most supplements are more effective when clients are on the correct diet, and supplements should not be thought of as a replacement for a whole food, nutrient dense diet. In most of Dr. Hussey’s programs supplements are included in the quoted price.
  • How does RSYH menu service work?
    Simply subscribe and you will recieve weekly emails every Tuesday with your menu, recipes, and shopping list
  • What is included in the menu serivce subscription?
    In addition to the weekly menu with recipes you will also receive: -Email access to Chef Michael to trouble shoot cooking strategies and easy food substitutions and customizations -Access to the Resource Your Health private Facebook community -Discounts on other Resource Your Health services -Shopping and prep list that save you time
  • What are the benefits of the menu service?
    -A fresh, nutritious menu delivered every week -All recipes are free of dairy, grains, legumes, vegetables oils, and gluten -Occasional bonus recipes -Shopping lists that save you time and money at the grocery store -A teaching approach that will have you mastering the kitchen
  • Will I be able to find all the foods in the shopping list at my local grocery store?
    We have based our shopping list on things that you will find at most chain grocery stores because that is where the average person shops. There are also some things that we may recommend ordering online.
  • How long do the meals take to make on average?
    We have tried to keep meal prep length to 30 minutes or less.
  • Do you have recipes for specific diet restrictions?
    All of our menu recommendations are gluten free and dairy free and they tend to be more ketogenic (higher in healthy fats) and paleo in nature. If you have specific questions about a diet restriction feel free to reach out to us. We are more then happy to help accommodate.
  • How much does the menu service cost?
    Monthly subscription is $14.99 per month. You can also sign up for a 6-month subscription for $69.99 or a 12-month subscription for $139.99.
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